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Bio Job 연구 뉴스 Career Development Publications
Bio Job
[포스닥 연구원 모집] Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
등록일 Oct 06,2021 | 작성자 | 조회수 1,366
Nanette Fraticelli
최정민 교수님(고려대)의 공동연구하는 연구실로부터 부탁을 받아서 포스팅합니다.
궁금한 점이 있으시거나 관심 있으신 분은 아래 링크를 참고하여 문의 바랍니다.

The Center of Excellence for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is offering several Postdoctoral positions.

1)  Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience
•      Prior experience in animal experiments involving stereotactic surgeries.
•      Ability in establishing optogenetics and chemogenetics in mice and using these techniques to explore mechanisms of normal or pathological nervous system circuits.
•      Setting up electrophysiology assays and conducting experiments to evaluate mechanisms or efficacy of these assays.
2)  Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Biology
  • The individual should be proficient in both in vitro and in vivo techniques, including cell culture, Western blotting, DNA/RNA isolation, ELISA, qPCR, and genotyping.
•      Other laboratory techniques, such as RNA-seq, and CRISPR are beneficial, but not necessary.
3)  Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioinformatics
  • Proficiency in a script language (e.g. Python or Perl) and a statistical language (e.g. R).
  • Proficiency in working in a UNIX/LINUX computational cluster or cloud.
  • Strong knowledge in at least one of the following areas of biology: cell biology, molecular biology, oncology, inflammatory disease, neurology, rare genetic disease, metabolic disease.
  • Experience to analyze high throughput genomics and genetics data, such as bulk or single cell RNA-seq, proteomics, metabolomics, CRISPR/siRNA genetic screening.
  • Experience of pathway/network analysis using at least one of the following databases or tools: Metacore, IPA, Gene ontology, GSEA, KEGG.
  • Familiar with at least 4 of the following: bioinformatics/analysis tools (e.g. STAR/Tophat, SAMtools, DESeq, IGV, Bioconductor, etc.), databases (e.g. TCGA, GEO, SRA, Clinvar, etc.) and websites (e.g. CLUE.io, DepMap, CCLE, GTEx, UCSC genome browser, etc.).
  • Ability to build bioinformatic pipeline or software for analyzing non-standard data types
Knowledge and experience in machine leaning and artificial intelligence.
For all inquiries, please contact
Nanette Fraticelli
Email: nanette.fraticelli@mountsinai.org
The Center of Excellence for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is offering two Associate Researcher positions.
  • Associate Researcher experienced in Histology and Immunohistochemistry.
  • Two year experience with histology and cytology including appropriate fixation, processing and embedding tissues in paraffin to produce paraffin blocks, as well as frozen blocks and sections, routine, special stains, and Immunohistochemistry.
  • Other techniques, such as histomorphometry are beneficial, but not necessary.
  • Associate Researcher experienced in Animal Handling.
  • Experience with mouse colony management, maintenance of multiple lines of transgenic mice, breeding, blood draw, i.p. and i.v. injections, genotyping, inventory management through laboratory database.
  • Other techniques, such as animal behavioral testing, qNMR, DEXA, and animal surgery are beneficial, but not necessary.
For all inquiries, please contact
Nanette Fraticelli
Email: nanette.fraticelli@mountsinai.org